Friday, October 14, 2005

There's no country in this world that can showcase the most significant fusion of Western, Asian, and Local influence in comic book illustration than the Philippines.
If you're a true Filipino at heart who happens to love everything about comics , you know what I am talking about.

Be there.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Force Majeure

When dust, smoke, and ashes finally settled from a great war ( a series of gruelling tests, that is) here I am, back with my bare feet on the ground, my vision on the horizon, and memory pondering the progression of a once unfinished dream. I have been busy racking my dormant brains for two months but seriously, I just want to pass the tests.

I am just happy right now to know the results, even more happy to know that my friends made it; spreading the good news to them like a howling wolf of the night. We are so happy to be part of that 42% hopefuls to make the final cut. My prayers were not left unanswered. And everybody smiles for the first time.

The good Lord above is so kind.

As a product of your own blood, sweat, and tears; the taste of the fruit of labor is the sweetest.

Is this a rare thing? A once-in-a-lifetime event? I'm not so sure, but it is something that I greatly hoped and least expected. That's what my heart says. A force majeure to describe it, to some extent.

What's a Force Majeure? It's something that describes an Act of God, a natural phenomenon, accident, serendipity, something that a natural person has no control nor power. It's something that is unstoppable as a disaster, or being hit by a lightning, or bittersweet as an infatuation and falling in love.

I used to be pessimistic, but this time, I realized that being positive and proactive also helps. It's better to have hope than to have nothing at all. I hoped to pass the tests, and I just did. Next on my list is to tell the truth to a very special friend. I pray for an opportunity to come my way, that life wouldn't be too harsh for a newby like me.

I will keep on hoping for it is something that I have control and power. Something to help me counteract, if not to complement, a force majeure that's been haunting me the past 3 months...

But still, a wolf must go on to survive the wilderness.